New Year New You, or just listening to my authentic self?

Happy 2023, here is hoping that it is a bright year with much potential and opportunity for everyone to grow. I want to make this year count in so many ways. I want to have fun, grow more into my ideal self, and show up as much as possible. To those end, I have some fun ideas, that are going to be pushing me outside of my comfort zone and I want to take you along for the ride.

1.       The first thing is I want to take better care of myself, in so far as respecting my body and time. So, on the last day of December 2022, I signed up for weight watchers. It has been just under a week and I have been entering my food and sticking to my meal plan every day. I bought a Pilates Reformer machine second-hand, go-go finding new life for things. I have yet to set it up but have plans to put a small gym in my living room with our stationary bike and boxing bag. I hope to cover this in a blog when I make over our front room/living room.

2.       I am signed up for a nine-month membership with Weight Watchers (thank you to my very talented hairdresser.) Who mentioned Weight Watchers at my appointment the other day, she has no idea that I signed up. 😊 Anyways, I am going to complete my time with Weight Watchers, and however much I lose, I lose. When my 9 months are up, I am going to do a scary thing! At the end of the nine months, I am going to get photos taken. I would like to have boudoir photos, however, if I chicken out or can't find someone to work with,  then I will get glam-style photos. My heart is set on the boudoir photos.

3.       There are so many things I want to do this year. Let's see, of course, my rabbits. If you have any interest in rabbits on youtube you have most likely heard of Teal Stone Homestead. She educated many of us on the Silver Fox and Cream D’ Argent bread of rabbit. In 2022, I acquired both these breeds, it was not easy to find a breeder of the Cream D’ Argent in East Michigan. But I had some luck and got a breeding set. So in 2023, I want to start showing my rabbit at shows.

4.       Chances are it is not common knowledge that I sew. I love to make clothing and I am finding I enjoy quilting. I am new to quilting but as I discover the in and outs of crafting a wonderfully useful item that will hopefully be passed down in my family for generations my interest grows. So I want to get my sewing room an overhaul and have a sewing table built for me much like the one that A Square Pillow Isn't Square!, shows how to make in one of her YouTube videos HERE.

My Closet Pre-Move

5.       Reflecting on these things I can focus more on myself and taking care of myself. I want to get my closet in order and spend time with my wardrobe. I know very well the power of a well-groomed wardrobe. It is a space of joy and celebration, at least it is for me. Since we moved into our 1938 home my clothing has been separated and packed away on all three levels of our home. To have all of my wardrobe items and functioning beauty items in one location…. with working electricity would be amazing.

6.       I want to start crafting my clothing items or buying only the best quality. Weaving, spinning, and hand-dying clothing have always been things I am interested in. I would like to learn these crafts in greater detail over the next year. The idea of spinning then weaving clothing and making a garment from fabric I made myself is on my bucket list. But it will take time for sure. So if I am being realistic maybe this is more of a longer-term goal.

7.       For blogging at this point I am only blogging when I feel called to, however, I can say this has been such a wonderful avenue for my thoughts that I see myself coming back time and time again to share my thoughts and ideas.

8.       Then there is my children’s book that I will be getting illustrated. In the last part of 2022, I spent so much time sewing these lovely children's quilting books that I needed to design and write my own. So that is what I have done. Now I just need to find a person who can help me illustrate my book and I will be able to get them published. I have not looked into getting them published through a publisher yet or if I want to just self-publish but when the time is right I will.

9.       My office, living space, and yard are all in desperate need of attention! I will be spending time in the spring landscaping my front yard. Over the winter I plan on spending time setting up a growing system in my basement so I can grow year-round. With the cost of items going up it is getting too expensive for my frugal mind to justify not growing things. So that is what I am going to do, this is more of a family project because Nic will be helping me set this up.

10.   The biggest goal I am exploring for 2023 is moving past the fear and living my authentic way. Whatever that means, being gentle with time frames, moving past hurts from yesteryear, and respecting my body. Too often I have tried to hide behind weight or say something I would never normally say to push someone away when I feel threatened. Even if the person is a kind soul! I want to move past my hurt and fears, and live as the person I am. Exploring beauty, learning, and growing as a person, to better myself and my skills. I hope you will join me on this personal discovery.

As Always Stay Classy,




Sewing Patterns to Grow the Wardrobe


Giving Up On the Dream