Growing Your Hair Short

Have you ever flirted with the idea of cutting your long hair short? The experience of cutting my long hair short was a big decision.  Cutting my hair broke all the rules!   It made me the rebellious one in my family!  But, cutting my hair helped me get in touch with the style of my inner femininity. So if you are thinking about taking the plunge and cutting your hair, or if you are just curious what this change would be like. I hope my story helps to give you some insight.

If you have long hair you may be afraid of cutting your long locks. Most likely because of the investment in time to grow it out again.  For me the reason I never cut my hair was tied up with the need of approval from my family. The women in my family had always prided themselves on the length of their hair. Growing up we all had very long hair but, mine was the longest of all.   My hair frequently attracted people’s attention. I seldom walked into a place without someone commenting on its length.

The first step in getting my hair cut to what felt like a world shaking short length, was at the end of 2015.  My hair went from falling just above mid-thigh to just below my shoulder blades. This haircut made me flirt with the idea of shorter hair and made me feel rebellious. But I could not bring myself to take the plunge of going above the shoulder when I really wanted to.

That is until, July 18th, 2017, I decided to get my hair cut  and had around  18 inches removed.   My husband came home to a new sassy me  and my long locks cut short.  I should start this off by saying my long hair had become such a part of my identity I swore I would never cut it.  But in the back of my mind I wondered what it would be like to have short hair. Would it be freeing, easier to take care of or leave me feeling regretful like a bad case of buyer’s remorse?

The first thing I noticed after my locks got tamed was how free I felt, like I lost 10 pounds.  I noticed that I could toss my hair and do the hair flip like those hair models on tv.  Who wouldn’t want to have the hair flip as a tool in their tool box?  NOT ME!  I love the hair flip and I use it when appropriate, especially when it is sassy time.

I could feel the air on the back of my neck and this was a novelty to me.  If you have ever had long hair you are familiar with how it helps to keep you warm,  almost like a head blanket.  The last couple of years I had taken to wearing my hair in an up-do.  The kind of up-do’s I favor are just a bit on the complicated side.  It took an army of Bobbi-pins to hold my hair in place. More about this later.   I felt sophisticated pretty much from the get-go. I had to use this word, “get-go,” it makes me think of insurance and the little lizard and this makes me laugh. Anyways. Simply said I felt new.

But my head really did feel lighter! I found the weight off my cranium helped when the weather turned bad and the day devouring migraines came to bite.  I am not sure why this is.  My guess is that it had to do with the weight of my hair putting a bit more tension on  my skelp and neck muscles.

When I got my hair cut I did not realize shorter hair would help free me of the habit of hiding behind my hair.   I no longer had the ability to pull my hair in front of my face like a shield blocking out the world.  Over  time this gave  me practice being seen, which led to me feeling more confidence.

Styling my hair became easier!  With long hair I could do almost any style but the trade off was  styling it took a very long time.  With short hair, I have fewer styling choices.  However, my hair styles I can choose from are simpler to style and less time consuming.  Since they are simpler I have found I spend more time playing with my hair and enjoying it.

Curly girls know, the wrath of humidity and the attack of frizz. Click To Tweet

Transitioning to shorter hair helped me heal part of my self-perception. Before July 2017, I was a curly girl who hated her curls!  I spend over what felt like half my life straightening my hair, to get haircuts not meant for curly hair.  So much time and energy gone! Curly girls know, the wrath of humidity and the attack of frizz. What changed my point of view about my hair, was finding a hair dresser who knew how to cut curly hair.  Thank you Heidi! When I saw what my hair could do, and the body it had, I accepted this part of myself and I fell in love with my natural ringlets.

My suggestion! When you are ready for shaking  it up with a new style, pick one that works with your hairs natural way of being.  Find out your face shape, and use these two   bits of information to help you make your final decision on the cut you get.  For inspiration on hairstyles, I suggest you find an actress who has the same kind of face shape as you. Then surf the web to see what kind of styles she has rocked in the past.   This will give you a place to start finding inspiration for your future due.

If you want to  cut your hair but are nervous about getting your hair cut to short.  Ask your hair dresser to take it slow and get a longer version of the style you want.  Next time you go to see your hair dresser you will know if you want to take your hair up a bit or grow it out some.  Just move slowly, too grow use to the idea of shorter hair or to give yourself a shorter grow out time.

I have to confess, this decision was freeing!  The  experience  of cutting my hair helped teach me to hold myself sacred. I feel more like myself than ever before, I feel new, bold and sophisticated. These are everyday things for me now and I am thankful for taking the plunge.  Cutting my hair has brought me one step closer to living in my beauty!


As Always Stay Classy!


I am Pretty
