Cultivate a Genuine Connection

She is the most beloved star in the sky,

Bright with wings of silver gold,

Boldly shining on high.

If you were the star from the above lines, would you dim your light? What if thousands of billions of little two legged and four legged critters, and plants counted on your light to live?

You are that star, the center of your very own universe. When you were a little girl, who loved what she loved you knew that your light made the world a brighter place, that your joy touched others.  But now, is the same true? For some women, the answer is yes.  For even more, I have found the answer to be a big no.  Thinking about this makes me a little sad. If the people that can shine do not, then who will illuminate the way for the ones around them left in the dark?

You may be saying that is well and good, but people don’t shine light.  And here is where I would have to beg to differ.

We have people that shine love or joy so vividly you could use the expression their smile lights up the room.  This is because the people around them feel light and brighter because of their proximity to that shining soul.  When a person feels joy, it radiates from their inner heart, and the people around them feel it too.The brilliance of the star is her ability to connect with another person in this great big world. This ability is so precious. When a woman sees another star shining as brightly as she can, that woman has the urge to shine back.  And thus, a connection is formed between those two people.   In our lives it does not matter who we are, we are touched by the people and world around us.

So, what about the connections that are not made with other people? The times two people ignore each other and do not make contact, what about those missed moments?

In my experience missed connections, are from a person’s inability to connect with themselves first.  Much like you must love yourself before you can accept other people’s love, you must first be willing to connect with that inner vulnerable place that your sacred secret self lives.

This place inside of you may be harder to find if you have suffered trauma, shock or deep pain.  As a survivor of childhood hurt myself, I want to share one thing with you that helped me so much.

You are the most important person in your life, not your parent, spouse, employer or even your children. That is not to say those other people are not important to, they are. But, you are the one that is with you on this crazy roller-coaster called life from the very beginning to the end.  The only one who truly can get you.

The amazing thing about your life is you are the only one who has ultimate power over you.  You are the one who gets to say I am worth loving; I am enough, I am beautiful and strong.  Because of our inner conversation that addresses how we feel about ourselves is written all over our person. And since, we all have an audience,  all around us, in the form of every encounter we have every day, these inner emotions and points of view are present when we shine out light to connect with other people.

Your daily interaction is a conversation, not with words, but with your appearance. Together with your style, this is your personal Image.

Your first impression is your first chance for a connection, to get that genuine experience.    When you are feeling “off” center people may have a harder time connecting with you.So now I ask you, what can you do for yourself to connect with your inner being, your Sacred Self?  If you did connect with your inner self would you really listen to how you felt about the goings on in your life? Do you know how to use your outer image to stimulate your inner being?  Because you can, you can fall in love with the person you are for the first time or all over again.

As always stay classy,


Illuminate Our Shadows


I am Pretty