Needing a Change

Today I want to talk about a medical condition called PCOS, which stands for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. PCOS has no cure, there are only small things you can do to enhance your quality of life. Many of the symptoms of PCOS are things that will make your life difficult on an emotional front, such as growing facial hair as a woman, not being able to shed weight or adult acne. This is because the Cyst in the poly cystic part of the syndrome messes with the hormone in the body.  Which means if you have PCOS you may also have bad periods during which you have large mood swings. I know I do.


To make my life better I have decided that I need to take steps to clear away symptoms that I accepted as just being part of life.  I am going to make a blog series about solving some of the day-to-day issues I struggle with that center around PCOS. The symptoms I want to overcome are things like dealing with facial hair, being overweight and my body temperature running very hot, just to name a few.


I think this series is going to be fun and interesting! I plan on not only trying DIY hacks, products, and old wives’ tricks, but I will also be working with my doctor and keeping you up to date as we move forward to find livable solutions.  I plan on starting off with more obtainable solutions that you can buy online or at a local store. Then escalating, if need be, to bring in the medical professionals.


The solutions will all have a grading scale, along with as much information as I can provide, and account of my personal experience with each item or hack/trick. If the first stage does not get me to the result that I am looking for then I will need to call in the big guns.


With my doctors’ visits I plan to share the advice given to me and how effective I find the advice. I am hoping that this series will help bring people to gather in a way where we can share experience to build knowledge and skills, not to mention community.


All the best,




Pup Date Winston


For the Forbidden Love