Ms. Evie and Mr. Vinny Update

Mr. Vinny

My ten-month-old puppy Mr. Vinny is sleeping at my feet at the moment.  Here is his Pup-date..hehe see what I did there?  Umm anyways!  Mr. Vinny got a little better after a 24-hour fast. When we gave him food the next day after his fast (around 36 hours after eating) he started showing signs of an upset tummy again. His diarrhea came back in full swing.  Which was horrible because  I was leaving town for the weekend. When I got to my good friend's home, she drove the rest of the way to our game. This freed me up to call our vet and update her on what was going on with Mr. Vinny. One fecal sample later, we know he does not have a parasite. Let me tell you that made me feel a lot better in and of itself.  But I still had no idea what was wrong with my little buddy.

Here is the "weird", all be it a good weird. The vet also put Mr. Vinny on a prescription that treats diarrhea.  It started working immediately and his appetite has come back in full swing.  I was able to get him to eat regular food. I tried to call the vet back twice but I don’t think they have weekend hours so I will have to call back on Tuesday. For now, however, my little buddy is giving hugs, and kisses and being his silly puppy self. This gives me a much-needed moment of relief.

Here hair got so long before her first grooming appointment I could put it up in a ponytail. She looks so mad, but we had a good snuggle after and the photo is something I will treasure always.

Ms. Evie

As for our other two dogs, I have not talked about Ms. Evie, who we call Ms. Muppit. She is really sweet to Nic and me but bullies our other two so they know she is in charge. Needless to say, they don’t care for her that much, but she is so cool. You can pick her up hold her upside down and she is just happy you are paying attention to her. Plus she is so soft! Her breed is known for being goofball, she is a Bernie’s Mountain dog poodle mix and has the tri coloring to go with it.

I would have to say the quirk that is the most endearing is what my Husband calls her flouncing.  Ever since she was five months old whenever she walked by one of our long curtains she would alter her path to walk under the curtain. She likes the play of the drape of the fabric around her, and it looks like a Princess Puppy flouncing to the ball. It is so cute!

Mr. Winston

As for our youngest and newest dog Winston I have a post coming out a little later with more information about him. He is my brave boy, who is in recovery!

As always stay classy,


Mr. Winston


Mr. Vinny