Fashion Minded

Fashion photo in black and white. She has pursed lips, a hat covering her eyes, and a chain around the body of the hat.

You can use fashion as a way to build peace of mind. It may be a new concept for some, but it's true. Knowing you look good is akin to feeling good. You can practice a powerful sense of self-expression and personal acceptance, and like with all muscles, the more you work them, the stronger they get. When you choose an outfit that reflects who you are on the inside, you give others the opportunity to join you in that expression, fostering a sense of authenticity and confidence.

People are drawn to others who embody what they themselves are striving to achieve. Often, we recognize what people are trying to convey by the way they express themselves. Think about someone you admire and how they carry themselves. Have you ever copied them, hoping that some of what makes them so cool might rub off on you?

Wearing clothes that reflect your values and moods tells a story about what you're thinking and what you're drawn to. With this understanding, you can reverse-engineer your wardrobe to influence your mood. For instance, the colors and textures you choose may help calm or invigorate your mind. The act of getting dressed can become a mindfulness ritual, allowing you to tune into your emotions. When I get my nails done, for days afterward, I get joy from admiring them. Getting my nails done triggers a signal that brings me happiness and calm.

A blonde-haired woman with butterflies on her face. She has red lips and a black shirt. The overall feeling is elegant and whimsical.

Additionally, fashion is a way to reclaim control over your environment, especially when external stressors feel overwhelming. You can't always control what happens around you, but you can control how you show up in the world. Taking the time to craft your style can bring clarity and peace in an otherwise chaotic day—not just because you look good, but because you've said "yes" to yourself in a mindful way. It’s a form of self-care, a way of declaring that you matter, which can make you feel better.

 Unless someone physically restrains you, the idea that others have control over you is an illusion. Skincare, hair, and fashion can be powerful ways of tapping into the subtle conversation of self-esteem and advocating for yourself. Hopefully, this brings peace of mind along the way.


Embracing Change: My Ongoing Self-Care Journey


Wellness Through Wardrobe Cultivation