9 Reasons a Personal Style is Amazing!

   What does the phrase “Personal Style” bring to mind?   Is it only images of glamor and celebrity?  Would you believe that having a personal style is not just something for A-listers?  You can, and should, have one too.   At Candid and Classy we’ve found that having a  personal style has a number of benefits.  Let’s have a look at them!      

     1. Having a Personal Style gives you confidence.
         Having a Personal Style means that when you step out of the door you don’t just tell yourself you look good, you know you look good.  This self-confidence comes from a few places:  looking good, wearing clothing you love, and being comfortable in your own skin.    These three things come from knowing you have already put in the work to find your personal style, and anything from your closet will reflect that.  And, in the process of developing your personal style, you will have learned that you are worth your most important resource, time.  Accepting that you are worth the time to look good, and feel good reinforces your belief in yourself.  
     2. People will treat you different.

         The advertising slogan “You never get a second chance at a first impression” is functionally true.  After committing yourself to having a personal style, you will notice that the impression you are giving others is the one you want to give.  Their reaction to you will alter accordingly.  This reforging of self doesn’t just get new people to treat you differently, however, that will happen first and most noticeably. It encourages your friends, coworkers, boss and family to see you according to your reflection of self. Though that part may take more time.  With a Personal Style, your look is unique.  You stand out in people’s minds as Jill, Mary, or Sarah, and not soccer mom #5, nurse #8, or math teacher #13.
     3. Having a Personal Style puts science on your side.


         There are many studies that show how different mental and environmental stimuli affect perception. For example: What color is the most appealing, what is the best way to shake hands, what tone of voice is best for a particular message, what kind of background music is best, what clothing to wear to school on a test day, all of these variables and more have been studied numerous times.  Let’s get that knowledge working for you.
        When we  apply  the results of these types of studies to your wardrobe, science and fashion work together.   Use them as a tool to help  develop a personal style just for you.  Science will show us  what colors look the best on you and how they affect the people you will encounter.   It will also give you insight into putting your body shape on its most flattering display.  
     4. Personal Style is an act of Independence.

         By having a personal style, you rock out to your own fashion tune every day!  You’ll know that this springs trend for flip flops , while in fashion, won’t work for you.  Those roman style sandals on the other hand, are perfect!  It  helps you have confidence and direction while shopping in a sea of icons.  You will be less affected by ads and slogans when you can look at your Personal Style icons and know what pieces you need to keep your look up to date.   Aside from knowing that you look good it will be proof to yourself in that moment of doubt that you know how to make good decisions.
     5. You’ll worry less about what to wear.

         Let’s face it ladies, we are always going to worry a little bit on what to wear.  However, when you know everything in your closet looks great on you, you only worry about what is best for today’s plan.  You’ll know that you’ve a good look already with your Personal Style.  So when getting dressed, rather than trying to figure out what to wear, you can focus on more on the rest of your routine.  That little bit of stress reduction at the start your day will help put you on track for a better day.
     6. If you look like you’ve got it together, you will.

         Perception molds reality.  Looking and carrying yourself with confidence, encourages people to show you respect. Being well put together also shows you respect others. How you present and represent yourself will give insight into how you maintain the rest of your affairs in business and private life.  Inside you might be jumping from one thought to another trying to catch up, but by being put together and staying calm, externally anyway, people will not apply additional pressure because they are worried you’re going to be unreliable.
     7. Looking good is the first step in feeling good.

     The above sentence could be a blog post all it’s own.  Feeling good about yourself is something that we all struggle with to one degree or another.  For some it’s a battle fought daily, for others it’s a war.  It’s important to know that when you take the time to make yourself look good you will feel a little bit better about yourself.  You are helping yourself by feeding aspects of yourself that you may be neglecting.  Having things that you know you are doing right, turns down the volume on  self-doubt, self- recrimination, self-sabotage, and depression.  Remember though, you don’t have to do it all at once.  That can feel overwhelming and set yourself up for unhappiness.

     8. It is a form of artistic expression.

         Your look and clothing are a way to express your inner self to the world. By being able to feed your inner need to not hide who you are, not only do you show people part or all of the real you, but you also feed your soul.  You might not be able paint, play music, or write poetry, but fashion, and your Personal Style are a valid way of expressing who you are. This artistic expression through Personal Style is also not limited to only one icon.  You can express different parts of you to different people through Icon choices.  But you are also more free to express bits of your true self by blending them into the Icon you use for your professional life, family life, social life and so on. Abby from the original NCIS television series is a perfect example of this.  
     9. It can make you feel powerful.

         This is a more intense use of number one on this list.  It goes beyond just knowing who you are and being confident, and into knowing that you can impact the world.  It’s not just doing something and hoping that it affects those around you.  The very nature of your existence blesses those around you.  Your presence in the world changes it.  Personal Style is a way for you to feel empowered to control how you will impact existance.  We all possess an inner power, dressing the part can help you realize that inner strength and be bold enough to make changes for the better. My husband calls make-up  my war paint.  When I take the time to put it on fitting my Personal Style I feel like I can do anything.  And if I’m having a low day, putting on my war paint reminds me that I’m strong, adding clothing that also helps me express my inner strength helps me feel better on a bad day, and like I can make the world a better place on a good day.  

As always stay classy,


Fashion is Like Art


Dressing with and Addressing Self Sabotaging Behaviors